High School Programs

Living in the 21st century requires more than a basic ability to read, write, and do simple math. Engineering is the profession in which the knowledge of mathematics, science, and technology gained by study, experience, and practice is applied to develop ways to utilize materials in nature for the benefit of society.

Technology affects virtually every aspect of our lives, from enabling us to perform routine tasks to giving us the ability to make responsible and informed decisions that affect individuals, our society, and our environment.

Years ago, CIJE recognized that preparing for a radically different future requires a significant shift in education methods in Jewish schools.

Today, CIJE provides extensive, ongoing teacher training to meet today’s changing needs. CIJE mentors, who are experienced engineers, visit all participating schools regularly to advise teachers on best practices. Teachers and mentors work together to revamp years of traditional classroom instruction by incorporating discovery and project-based learning where students, not teachers, provide the answers. Students who learn by trial and error are more prepared to overcome challenges and succeed in the working world.

CIJE-STEAM High School Engineering Program

CIJE offers a two-year course in Scientific and Biomedical Engineering for high school students. This innovative curriculum prepares students for careers in engineering, programming, and advanced technology. CIJE is educating a generation of students in Jewish schools to enter and compete in the global marketplace. CIJE provides each class with specialized equipment and materials, and trains teachers to “reorient” how they approach curricula.

Throughout the year, students work in engineering design teams and apply their inventiveness to develop various types of products and machines. Projects range from advanced circuitry and bridge building to developing prosthetic limbs.

CIJE Robotics League

The CIJE Robotics League challenges Elementary (4-5), Middle (6-8), and High School students to work together to build a robot that will compete in a challenge. Schools participate either by running a Robotics class or forming an extracurricular Robotics Club. Students learn advanced programming, mechanical building, teamwork, and problem-solving. CIJE runs multiple tournaments throughout the year. Click here to learn more.

Innovation Day

Innovation Day is a culmination of a year of coursework in the CIJE-Tech high school engineering curriculum. Students are tasked with conceptualizing, creating, and engineering their own inventions. At Innovation Day these students present their outstanding accomplishments. The capstone projects presented on Innovation Day are the culmination of a year of work guided by the CIJE curriculum. Click here to learn more.


Each year, high school students compete on Innovation Day for the opportunity to present their inventions at CIJE Tank. The event highlights a distinguished cohort of capstone projects selected from hundreds of entries. These projects are set apart by their exceptional performance on key criteria, articulate a need backed by research, and embody the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship. Click here to learn more.

IoT Hackathon

The Hackathon is an exhilarating day of coding, design, and presentations, all centered around the Internet of Things (IoT). We welcome up to 12 students (forming 3 teams) from your school. Eligible students should be enrolled in a CIJE-Tech engineering course and must not have participated in this Hackathon previously. Click here to learn more.

Design FAB Collection

The Design FAB process encourages students to collaboratively create an emotive art piece using digital design and fabrication tools. Click here to learn more.

Technology Integration

CIJE ensures that teachers at Jewish day schools and yeshivot have the best, most current tools available for molding young minds. Our state-of-the-art technology and related programs help students in our schools make tremendous strides.