All autonomous play will be done remotely with schools submitting video via an online platform located here.

Middle School Autonomous

All rules of the regular game manual will apply with the exception of the following:
  1. All loading will be done in the Rapid Loading style.
  2. Loaders may keep a finger on a Ball to prevent it from rolling away before a robot can posses it.
  3. All points are based on scoring Goals and clearing Switches.  there are no passing points.
  4. Your total score is your number of Goals multiplied by the number of cleared Switches.  in this method the cleared Switches act as Goal multipliers.  Even if no Switches are cleared, your Goals will still be multiplied by one (1), and not zero (0).
  5. At anytime during the 60 second game, you may pickup your robot and return it to a valid starting position.  You may also press a button on the robot to start a code.  Any Balls possessed by a robot during a reset should be removed and returned to the Loader.
  6. Videos of autonomous attempts can be submitted here.


High School Autonomous

Details coming soon